UFO Sighting in Birmingham, Alabama on 2018-12-28 23:20:00 – Two smaller disc ufo’s with a triangle ufo

The following exert is an eye witness statement. Please read into it what you will. This has been reported to mufon who I am sure are investigating:


Update from #37318. first video showing bright light in distance shows two ufo’s moving at a high speed from left to right on screen. looking closely, they have some type of disturbance around them if paused. next video shows bright light in distance moving closer to show a triangular shape and three white lights. the final, still picture shows the triangular object with orange/red lights and two ufo’s next to it (from previous encounter) above our head. all show some type of disturbance or haze around them from some type of field. can see them clearly and it could be made clearer with the right software. one person in car with me and garbage truck also stopped to view. the still picture shows the ufo above the bright light in picture and can be viewed best if enlarged taking the bright parking lot light out of the picture. no other video/pictures show what was caught on my iphone x which should be able to be made clearer due to resolution. pictures/videos posted on #37318. only opinion, the triangular object was directing the disc objects in some way. it could mean when a triangle object is observed, there may be other disk objects in the area collecting data.

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