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UFO Sighting in Westland, Michigan on 2018-02-27 16:30:00 – Daylight. driving east bound, looked up and saw an all white coneish shaped object moving very fast. pulled over and observed for a few seconds when it abruptly changed direction from sw to se

The following exert is an eye witness statement. Please read into it what you will. This has been reported to mufon who I am sure are investigating:


I was driving home at around 4:30 heading eastbound when i saw an object that caught my eye. did not look like any type of small plane or helicopter. cone shaped vehicle all white is the best i can describe it. object was traveling sw at a very high rate of speed, no sound. appox 500 ft over top of me. i pulled over and got out of my car as it suddenly changed direction from sw to se. like it darted effortlessly. only visualized object for a few seconds and it was out of sight.
though i should report this as i know for certain it was not a plane of any kind or a helicopter. ive never seen anything like it.
when i first noticed, i said to myself, no way. it was rather exciting to me. im sure that others in the area are sure to have saw this object.

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