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December 13, 2017

UFO Sighting in GB on 1958-07-01 16:01:00 – While aboard the guided missile crusier the uss cambarra in 1958, during the navel exercises in the english channel we saw a cigar shaped metallic gray cigar hovering over us.

The following exert is an eye witness statement. Please read into it what you will. This has been reported to mufon who I am sure are investigating:   Filed at mufon headquarters while on the phone with witness, by field investigator l. flechtner 18809 on december 13, 2017 ——————————————————————– back…

UFO Landing in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware on 2013-06-13 00:00:00 – I have a few years worth of pictures and videos. they follow me . i have another case number but didn’t include any pictures. here are a few out of 50000

The following exert is an eye witness statement. Please read into it what you will. This has been reported to mufon who I am sure are investigating:   I was abducted with my family in 2013 .. my story very little of it is on the other case mufon has…