UFO Sighting in Istanbul, Istanbul on 2018-04-29 15:33:00 – 4 ufo crossings over the sea in the east-west direction

The following exert is an eye witness statement. Please read into it what you will. This has been reported to mufon who I am sure are investigating:


On april 29, 2018, as soon as i got to my house’s terrace, i saw an object moving fast in the east-west direction and a rhythmic bright white light blinking. i suspected that it might be ufo and immediately took my camera in the room. but ufo was missing from the eye. but i could photograph the second and third frames. -3598 and ömer-3599 belong to the second. the photo of ümer-3600 is the third photo of ufo. then the fourth ufda pass is done in the same direction and in the same speed and the event is finished. i also took the 83 optical zoom with the nikon coolpix p900 machine.

29 nisan 2018 tarihinde evimin terasýna çýkar çýkmaz doðu batý yönünde hýzlý þekilde ilerleyen ve ritmik parlak beyaz ýþýk yanýp sönen bir cisim gördüm.Ufo olabileceðinden þüphelendim ve hemen odamdan fotoðraf makinemi aldým.Ancak ufo gözden kaybolmuþtu.Ancak ikinci ve üçüncü ufolarý fotoðtaflayabildim.Size gönderdiðim ömer-3598 ve ömer-3599 numaralý ufolar ikinciye aittir.Ömer-3600 numaralý fotoðraf üçüncü ufonun fotoðrafýdýr.Sonra dördüncü ufoda geçiþini ayný yön ve hizada ayný hýzda yapatý ve olay son buldu.Nikon coolpix p900 makine ile 83 optik zoom da çektim.

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