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UFO Sighting in Surrey, British Columbia on 2017-05-20 17:00:00 – Fast little stars in the day time sky

The following exert is an eye witness statement. Please read into it what you will. This has been reported to mufon who I am sure are investigating:


Good afternoon…

so.. on may 20… 2017.. i recorded this video…

in the youtube.. video..

29 seconds.. .25 speed (settings of youtube) (white thing) appears middle right of screen moving left in an upwards motion….

1:16.. .25 speed (settings of youtube) (white thing) top right of screen moving toward mid right

1:50 .25 speed (settings of youtube) (white thing) middle bottom of video traversing up middle right of screen exiting top.

3:16:27 .25 speed (setting of youtube) (white thing) right side of frame moving left to right on a downward angle.
3:17:00 .25 speed (setting of youtube) (black thing) right side of frame moving left to right downward angle.. almost same angle at (white thing) above but moving (waaaay faster) this is happening in only fractions of seconds… to the naked eye witnessing it is like.. seeing a star appear for a moment. so the video.. i guess makes this visible?
3:17:09 black dot turns white!… and than turns back to black again!… if you follow the movement from appearance until exit or not visible.

3:23 .25 speed (settings of youtube) top mid of video moving down a (white thing)..

3:30 lower left corner.. a white (dot) appears.. stays for a couple frames than disappears….

… at 1:17:34 a white.. (thing) passes through the aircraft’s nose.

at 1:17:21 it is very obvious.. in a still shot magnification 150%
once you “find it”.. you can track it back from where it enters top of the screen passes through the air crafts nose and exists film bottom!…

also.. utilizing.. high magnification .. in adobe premier.. i have found “even” more! than the obvious one which shine as bright as stars.

cheers. so much more to come than this.. as well :d

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