UFO Sighting in Weber county as well, Utah on 2015-06-30 02:59:00 – Beam bright green on top of lds church saw entity in the hospital a few days later apox. 1 week of interaction

The following exert is an eye witness statement. Please read into it what you will. This has been reported to mufon who I am sure are investigating:


Meditating in a house next to a church then i had certain visuals come thru of greys talking to me talking about my blood and dna. i first noticed tapping on the glass of the window my ex husband and i both went outside that is when the been been appeared on the lds church. i atomatically knew it was other beings because i had been receiving mental telecanises like messages. i remember hearing in the feild behind the barn almost like radio static all around. i was very excited to have this going on until i stared seeing shadows and other interactions in the home i remember glowing blue faces appeared right outside the bedroom. i felt as though i was directed to go onto hafb. i for some reason threw my keys in the trash can i was next to the flight command center it was a sunday. i brought my dog with me thru the building. later base police called my family because a family member happens to work there on base to come get me and the animal. i was taken to the hospital, i was trying to describe to them along the way of coarse it didn’t make sense to them. i was hospitalized for 9 days on meds when i came more aware of my surroundings on day 6 a very tall close to grey looking entity, came into my hospital room. when i got up to walk towards it or her as it felt it vanished. after the hospital i did see a very large ship about 4 or 5 houses long appear in the clouds and disappear as i got closer. the doctor tried to diagnose me with skitzophrania then told me no i don’t think it’s that i think it’s something else. i was just barely finishing my 6 of 8 yr contract with the military. p.S. while i was on dugway proving grounds i did see orange light balls in the distance during a training moving very far and fast from left to right as well as shooting staight up and slowly coming back down months prior to the event. do to the times of the sitting s i was not able to capture any photos or videos. there are more details but these are the best key points i could get across. i have a book that i wrote during the event but i’m unsure that it will help.

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