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Black Triangle Sighting in Ann Arbor, Michigan on 2017-06-09 23:30:00 – Observed 3 solid bright white lights in a equilateral triangular shape, passing directly and silently overhead, traveling in straight line se until out of sight.

The following exert is an eye witness statement. Please read into it what you will. This has been reported to mufon who I am sure are investigating:


On the night of june 9th, 2017 at around 11:30 pm, i was home and in bed when one of the dogs decided he needed to go outside, so i got up and took him out to the back yard. the sky was clear and as usual, i paused to gaze at the stars. i looked straight up and immediately saw some kind of light moving just above a 60′ tree behind me. as i watched, 3 lights in the shape of an equilateral triangle came into full view directly above me. the lights were bright, white, and steady — although they seemed to have a shimmering quality to them.

my first thought was that someone was flying a drone over our house, but it seemed a bit late at night, and i’ve never seen drones in our neighborhood. then it occurred to me that it made no sound — it was totally silent. i remember thinking that it all seemed very odd. if it was a drone, flying possibly only 60-70 feet above me, i should have easily heard the buzzing sound of the motors/rotors.

i felt a sense of awe; although it was also slightly disorienting since i couldn’t tell how large the formation was, what the elevation was or the actual speed. i watched the lights move at what seemed like a consistent speed, in a straight south-easterly direction. it only took about 10-12 seconds until they were out of sight. i live outside the city lights in a dark suburban area, on top of a hill, above the tree line so i had a clear view during the entire observation.

i’ve never witnessed anything like this, and felt the need to report it. an active local astronomer suggested that it could have been a triad of spy satellites. i do enjoy watching satellites and the iss (watched iss go over just last night 7-22-2017) but the lights i observed seemed brighter and closer than satellites i’ve seen.

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