Alien Encounter in Colorado Springs, Colorado on 2018-05-04 00:00:00 – I was flying the ufo in my dream… two differnt times then woke up with the red grid pattern on left side of my back

The following exert is an eye witness statement. Please read into it what you will. This has been reported to mufon who I am sure are investigating:


I was flying the ufo
which had lights under the craft either green/blue
appeared to be in a battle with other green/blue light crafts
woke up with the red dot grind on my left side of my back…
the rest of one of the dreams had me fighting other humans and i had the i believe defend myself like a spy i seem to be able to conquer the other human without effort…
and then i woke took me a couple of hours to even remember anything…
also i have had pain in my lower legs in the calf area of both legs for the last week…
i believe whatever it was had no intention of harming me yet it wanted me to help it fly it’s plain it’s almost like it was telling me telepathically to fly this plane and to take out opponents never have i seen a ship quite like this ship… the closest ship i could compare it to is the first independence day film were all of the small ships come out of the mothership i would have been inside of the primary ship not the mothership…
the craft was extremely fast faster than any jet the closest i could describe it to is a fighter jet and its abilities to move up and down left and right without effort…

honestly it seems like a very advanced piece of machinery.
powered with weaponry and able to destroy other ships…

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