UFO Sighting in Panama City Beach, Florida on 2017-10-06 06:47:00 – Noticed object in photo 2 days after image made

The following exert is an eye witness statement. Please read into it what you will. This has been reported to mufon who I am sure are investigating:


At the time of the photo, approximately 6:47 p.M.,–the time recorded on my cell phone, i simply wanted a photo of the full moon a few minutes before it set over the gulf of mexico. the image was made from the 2nd floor balcony of the hotel room where my sister and i were staying for a few days. the balcony overlooked the beach; i framed the view and made the image. at no time did i, or my sister, see, or were we aware of, the object, or any other object in the field of view. i heard no sound other than that of the surf.

while i have checked “object(s)” in your “observed the following” section, i really didn’t “observe” anything, just the moment. “two days later, after returning home, i was reviewing the images i had made during my vacation on my husband’s computer. when i got to this image, identified as img_0749 on my iphone, i was surprised to see the dark object in the sky. i enlarged the image to view it better but could not identify it. all of my checked items on your form are made based on what i see in the image as captured. i attest to the fact that the image has not been added to the scene or manipulated in any way.

i wish i had more information for you, but i was unaware of the object being present in the camera’s field of view at the time of capture, so i can’t really offer any description of it, where the object came from or where it went. hopefully some one else visiting the area at the time also captured its image. all i have is the image which i have attached and if mufon deems it worthy to disseminate, i would like attribution. while i agree that you may use the image, i retain all intellectual property rights.

i pray that i got the image loaded/attached properly, if not, please notify me; i will be happy to send it to you again or, another way–i’m not a tech savvy person. if you analyze the image and make a determination as to what it is, i would appreciate it if you would inform me too–bird, drone, plane, whatever. thank you.

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