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UFO Sighting in Sandusky, Ohio on 2018-08-04 22:00:00 – Like a massive slow moving star and the light just shut off without any clouds in the way and it was dead silent

The following exert is an eye witness statement. Please read into it what you will. This has been reported to mufon who I am sure are investigating:


Myself and another guy were hanging out in downtown sandusky at a marian just catching up, talking at a picnic table. i was facing south and noticed a huge star like light slowly moving from east to west, i said “wtf is that??” it was way too big to be a satellite, way too slow for a shooting star. it was a pure white light and round making zero noise. he turned around and was looking at it saying “oh it’s just a plane.. no it’s probably a helicopter…” after watching it for about 15 more seconds the light just shut off. no clouds or anything. we were both pretty sure then that it wasn’t natural and couldn’t come up with any explanation.

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